Tarot Coleccion The Commonplace Tarot - NELL LATIMER (2020) (EN)
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Tarot Coleccion The Commonplace Tarot - NELL LATIMER (2020) (EN)
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 La baraja Commonplace Tarot refleja animales, plantas, iconos e historias familiares conocidas por el hombre y la mujer ; y a veces misterios desconocidos. Tomando la estructura algo jerárquica del Tarot tradicional, que representa a la realeza, el clero y la nobleza a través de sus palos, esta baraja fusiona los estratos familiares evidentes con las formas tradicionales, como las Barajas Rider Waite y Marsella, con una narrativa derivada del folclore, experiencias personales y apreciación del mundo natural.

Peso: 208g

Autor: Nell Latimer

Nº de cartas: 78 





The Commonplace Tarot deck reflects animals, plants, icons and familiar stories known by the common man and woman; and sometimes unknown mysteries. Taking the somewhat hierarchical structure of the traditional Tarot, which depicts royalty, the clergy and nobility through its suits, this deck merges the familiar strata evident in traditional forms, such as the Rider Waite and Marseilles Decks, with a narrative derived from folklore, personal experience and an appreciation of the natural world.


Weight : 208g

Author: Nell Latimer

Nº of cards: 78