Oraculo Whispers of Healing  (Angela Hartfield)(EN)(SCA)
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Oraculo Whispers of Healing (Angela Hartfield)(EN)(SCA)

Cod.Bar. Alternativos: TSA17
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El oraculo"Whispers of Healing Oracle" ha llegado para cuidarte,fortalecerte y para restaurarte emocional, fisica y espiritualmente. Ya sea tu deseo el curar un corazon roto, resolver desafios en el trabajo o descubrir maneras de mejorar tus creencias y tus formas de ser, este, mazo esta preparado para viajar a tu lado como tu forma de apoyo y guia.

Acercate a este oraculo cuando tu salud se vea comprometida y la energia calmante y su sabiduria te ayudaran a navegar hacia tu camnino del bienestar.Sumergete en los mensajes profundos de Josephine Walls  y arte inspiradora.

 The "Whispers of Healing Oracle" is here to help you nourish, strengthen and restore yourself to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. Whether you wish to heal a broken heart, resolve a work challenge or discover ways to fine-tune your beliefs and attitudes, this deck is ready to journey by your side as a source of support, guidance and insight.

Turn to this oracle whenever your health seems compromised, and the soothing energy and wisdom will help you navigate your way to balance, wholeness and wellness. Immerse yourself in Angela Hartfield’s profound messages and the intricate detail of Josephine Wall’s inspired artwork, and tap into the healing energy that abounds within and around you. It is time to unlock true, deep and complete personal healing.