Tarot Witches - Ellen Cannon Reed & Martin Cannon - 4ª Edicion (EN) (Llw) (Printed in China) (2010)
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Tarot Witches - Ellen Cannon Reed & Martin Cannon - 4ª Edicion (EN) (Llw) (Printed in China) (2010)
44,00 €
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The Witches Tarot - Ellen Cannon Reed
Illustrated by Martin Cannon


Boxed deck (3 x 5) includes 78-card deck and 32-pp. booklet
Featuring striking imagery that blends the Qabalistic Tree of Life with Pagan symbolism, this original and innovative tarot will inspire Wiccans, Pagans, and magick practitio- ners—and is perfect for tarot readers of all levels. In ad- dition to divination, The Witches Tarot is a powerful tool for intuitive readings, meditation, magick, pathworking, and astral travel.