Tarot - The unknowable lives in a pack of cards - A.E Waite & Pamela Coleman - (Manda Limited) - (EN)
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Tarot - The unknowable lives in a pack of cards - A.E Waite & Pamela Coleman - (Manda Limited) - (EN)
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Una baraja rider con algo especial, caja de carton duro, que dentro lleva otras dos cajas de carton mas flexible, una de ellas contiene nuestro querido tarot Rider, la otra un oraculo manifiesto con frases inspiradoras.  


Peso: 386 g 

Autor: Arthur Edward Waite.

Nº de cartas 78/38.


A deck whit some magic on it, hard cardboard as a box , in wich there are other 2 cardboard, softer, boxes , in one of them there´s the famous Rider waite deck, on the other a manifest and an oracle whit some inspirational sentences. 


Weight: 386g

Author: Arthur Edward Waite.

Nº of cards: 78/38.