Juego de Cartas coleccion Tadini - Emilio Tadinni -1982 (54 Pocker) (Edicion numerada y Firmada) (IT) (MOD)
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Juego de Cartas coleccion Tadini - Emilio Tadinni -1982 (54 Pocker) (Edicion numerada y Firmada) (IT) (MOD)
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Modiano “Tadini” Playing Cards, Emilio Tadini Designs, Ltd. Edition (___/1000), c. 1982.

Mint deck of cards made by Modiano, c.1982, based upon gorgeous and highly original designs by Italian pop artist Emilio Tadini. The deck was printed in a limited edition of 1000; this deck does not have a card indicating its number in the run. The deck is about art, not card playing, and I would note that the Queens are female nudes – not pin-ups, but nudes in the classical artistic sense.

The deck has 52 cards, plus 2 Jokers. I have sold sets of these cards in the past that had a backed insert card, signed and numbered by the artist, announcing the deck, but this deck does not have that card, even though the deck was removed from its wrapper to be photographed for this listing.

The cards measure 89mm x 62mm, and the inside of the box is lined in red silk fabric.