Oraculo Liquid Crystal Oracle - Justin Moikeha Asar (Set) (77 Cartas) (En) (Usg) (Bla)  (1St Edition
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Oraculo Liquid Crystal Oracle - Justin Moikeha Asar (Set) (77 Cartas) (En) (Usg) (Bla) (1St Edition

Cod.Bar. Alternativos: 9781572816763 - LCO77
50,00 €
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Stock: AltaA la venta desde 26-11-2015
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Liquid Crystal Oracle is an ever-unfolding and enlightening adventure through the Crystalline world. These potent cards open the doors to the Atlantian Earth and introduce the Master Crystal Devas, the Mineral Kingdom’s creators, unlocking their ancient and sacred knowledge. Through this oracle, discover Atlantian spirituality while tapping into the wisdom of the crystals. Discover Crystal Healing the Atlantian Way with over 150 Sacred Trinities and sequences of crystals.