Tarot coleccion Herbal - 1ª edicion (En) (Instrucciones FR) (Printed in Switzerland) (Usg) (1988)
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Tarot coleccion Herbal - 1ª edicion (En) (Instrucciones FR) (Printed in Switzerland) (Usg) (1988)
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Edicion realizada por U.S.Games en 1988. Idioma: Ingles Hecho en Suiza

Diseñado por Michael Tierra - Existe una reedicion del año 1991


This deck is designed to integrate the healing properties of traditional herbs with the symbolism of tarot. On each card, a different herb is pictured and identified.


Herbal Tarot follows the general assignments of the Rider-Waite deck, but each card is assigned an individual medicinal herb based upon intuition, astrological and energetic values. A different herb is pictured and identified on each card.

The deck was drawn by artist Candice Cantin under the direction of herbalist Michael Tierra. According to the creators, "The Herbal Tarot is a tool for studying the psycho-physical energy of herbs. Herbs, when joined with the tarot, can provide a symbolic material manifestation to accompany a specific divination. This will encourage communication with the subconscious for which the tarot cards are especially powerful."

The symmetric card backs feature sprigs of rosemary. The booklet gives both upright and reversed meanings.

Candis Cantin is an herbalist, a wholistic counselor, and a teacher of the herbal path. She has studied Ayurvedic, Chinese, European, and Native American traditions of herbal healing.

Michael Tierra is a certified acupuncturist, an herbalist, a naturopath, and a spiritual counselor. He has studied herbs in China, India, and with Native Americans. He is the author of The Way of the Herbs.