Tarot Fenestra Tarot - Chatriya - (2012) (EN) (USG)
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Tarot Fenestra Tarot - Chatriya - (2012) (EN) (USG)

Cod.Bar. Alternativos: FN78 - ID2633
28,00 €
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La artista Taiitana Chatriya ha fuisionado el simbolismo del tarot con los elementos de su propia cultura e influencias tales como Egipto, el arte Deco, la mitologia y el manga japones, se ha ilustrado con colores calmantes. El tarot Fenerstra nos muestra imagenes hermosas en encuadres sugestivos y ventanas enmarcadas.

El libro contiene distintas tiradas. Son 78 cartas.

Thai artist, Chatriya has creatively fused traditional tarot symbolism with elements from her own culture and influences as far reaching as Egypt, Art Deco, mythology and Japanese manga, illustrated with soothing colors. Fenestra Tarot features beautifully rendered figures set off in frames suggestive of arched windows.

Instruction booklet and spread sheet included. 78 cards - Includes Spread sheet.

SKU     FN78
Weight     0.50 lbs
ISBN     978-1-57281-646-6
Size     2-3/4" x 4-3/4"
Artist     Chatriya