Oraculo Earth Power Oracle - Stacey Demarco (41 Cartas) (EN) (USG) (BLA)
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Oraculo Earth Power Oracle - Stacey Demarco (41 Cartas) (EN) (USG) (BLA)

Cod.Bar. Alternativos: 9781572817920 - 9781922161178 - EPO41 - TSA19
35,00 €
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Stock: AltaA la venta desde 28-01-2015
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Earth Power Oracle reconnects us with the energy of 41 of the most deeply moving sacred places on the globe, capturing the essence of each one so that we may experience its unique beauty and profound insights. This magnificent oracle takes you on a mystic journey to ancient temples and shrines, natural sanctuaries, breathtaking landscapes, the haunting ruins of lost civilizations, and sacred waterways. Boxed set includes 41 cards and 128-page illustrated guidebook with descriptions, locations, and card spreads.