Tarot coleccion The Pomo Tarot - Brian Williams - 1994 (EN) (Set) (Harper) 03/16
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Tarot coleccion The Pomo Tarot - Brian Williams - 1994 (EN) (Set) (Harper) 03/16
65,00 €
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PoMo Tarot deck and book set by Brian Williams - Harper San Francisco - 1994


Postmodernism has already swept all the major artistic disciplines: art, architecture, literature, dance and music.

Brian Williams offers a postmodern twist to the tarot. Each card of the Minor Arcana has been inspired by a modern artwork, while the traditional suits of the Minor Arcana (staves, cups, coins and swords) are transformed into TVs, bottles, guns and money-icons with meaning for 21st-century readers. Among the 22 cards of the major Arcana, the traditional, Jester-like Fool has become a trendy idiot, the Magician has become a scientific expert and the Empress and Emperor have become Mum and Dad. A companion guidebook is included.

 Language : english

Card Size: 3.25 x 6.00 in. = 8.26cm x 15.24cm