Tarot coleccion The Original Rider Waite - Pamela Colman - A. E. Waite (EN)(1993)
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Tarot coleccion The Original Rider Waite - Pamela Colman - A. E. Waite (EN)(1993)
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Published by U.S. Games in 1993, the "Original" Rider Waite Tarot is something of a misnomer, since the original printing plates for the Waite-Smith Tarot were lost during the London Blitz and the artwork used is from a later edition. The artwork employed seems to have been cobbled together out of Pamela C fronts and Pamela A Rose&Lily backs. The "Original" Rider-Waite reproduces colors from an aged copy of the deck, so the entire deck has a greenish-brown cast to it, producing muddy clouds and murky skies. This Frankendeck was released as cards alone and an attractive boxed set with Arthur Waite's Pictorial Key to the Tarot.