Oraculo coleccion Tarot Azteca (25 Cartas de dioses aztecas) - Mexico 06/16
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Oraculo coleccion Tarot Azteca (25 Cartas de dioses aztecas) - Mexico 06/16
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La interpretacion taroista de las cartas de ese mazo magico, que contiene una coleccion selecta de la mitologia azteca con las semblanzas de "Dioses" prehispanicos, que sintetizan los arcanos adivinatorios en el sincrestismo de las culturas China, Egipcia, Caucasica, Arabe, Romana y Prehispanica. Mismas que  se difundieron con la ayuda de las figuras de adivinos, magos , druidas , sacerdotes, augures, aurispices y taroistas, quienes ayudados de el examen da las viseras de ciertos animales recien sacrficados, el vuelo de aves o las formaciones nubosas y que con el tiro de runas y dados, o con la vision esferas de cristal , residuos de cafe o bebidas aromaticas y de la interpretacion profesional de las cartas adivinatorias (TAROT). Mismas que aqui se presentan, y que decodificacion se debe a las sabias palticas del sacerdote Teotihuano, EL Tlatoani Mayor. Quien recibio indicaciones de que culturas extra-terrestres y quien dictoo conferencias en Guatemala, Peru y Brasil. 

 Esta baraja consta de 25 cartas. 

The taroist interpretation of the cards of this magical deck, which contains a select collection of Aztec mythology with the likenesses of pre-Hispanic "Gods", which synthesize the divinatory arcana in the syncretism of the Chinese, Egyptian, Caucasian, Arabic, Roman and Prehispanic. The same ones that were spread with the help of the figures of fortune tellers, magicians, druids, priests, augurs, aurispices and taroists, who, helped by the examination of the visors of certain recently sacrificed animals, the flight of birds or the cloud formations and that with the throw of runes and dice, or with the vision crystal spheres, coffee residues or aromatic drinks and the professional interpretation of divinatory cards (TAROT). The same ones that are presented here, and that decoding is due to the wise talks of the Teotihuano priest, EL Tlatoani Mayor. Who received indications of what extra-terrestrial cultures and who gave conferences in Guatemala, Peru and Brazil.

This deck contains 25 cards.