Tarot coleccion ShadowFox - Richard y Jennifer ShadowFox (Set) (EN) (Schiffer) (FT)
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Tarot coleccion ShadowFox - Richard y Jennifer ShadowFox (Set) (EN) (Schiffer) (FT)
250,00 €
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Enter a mysterious realm of shadows with this timeless interpretation of traditional Tarot imagery. Intriguing 3-D black and white card images evoke intuitive interpretation with ease, guiding novice and expert readers toward self-discovery. The innovative 78-card deck is accompanied by the ShadowFox Tarot Book of Shadows, a thorough and comprehensive guide not only to Tarot, but everything else from astrology to runes.

Included: 78 cards, 224 pp.
Size: 15.24 x 28.89 x 3.81 cm (6″ x 11 3/8″ x 1 1/2″). Weight of the deck (approx): 896 g. (1.98 lb).
Plastic coated paper playing cards. Made in China.
100% authentic, original Shiffer Publishing Inc. product.