Tarot coleccion The Sacred Circle Tarot - Anna Franklin and Paul Mason (Set) (EN) (Llw) (2005) 06/16
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Tarot coleccion The Sacred Circle Tarot - Anna Franklin and Paul Mason (Set) (EN) (Llw) (2005) 06/16
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The ancient power of Celtic Britain and Ireland's sacred sites and mystical Pagan heritage lives within "The Sacred Circle Tarot." Its haunting images connect you to the spirit of the land itself, merging photographs, illustrations, and electronic images with symbols that unlock the deepest level of Pagan wisdom. Use "The Sacred Circle Tarot" for divination, meditation--and to walk a spiral path of expanding consciousness along life's sacred circle.


About Anna Franklin

Anna Franklin (England) has been a witch for 30 years, and a Pagan in her heart for all her life. She has conducted many rituals, handfastings and sabbat rites. She is the High Priestess of the Hearth of Arianrhod, a coven of the Coranieid Clan, a group of traditional witches with their roots in the New Forest, and branches in several parts of the UK. The Hearth publishes the long-running Silver Wheel Magazine, runs teaching circles and postal courses, and is also a working coven. Anna Franklin is the author of eighteen books on the Craft, including the popular Sacred Circle Tarot, Midsummer, Lammas (with Paul Mason), and The Fairy Ring.