Tarot coleccion Connolly - Eileen and Peter Paul Connolly (1990) (EN) (USG)
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Tarot coleccion Connolly - Eileen and Peter Paul Connolly (1990) (EN) (USG)
60,00 €
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Each card touches the subconscious in a profound way - the spiritual and inspirational imagery brings the viewer to a higher level of consciousness. Resplendent in color and historic design, the entire scene on every card is luminous.

The Connolly Tarot was created by Eileen Connolly and her son Peter. Eileen Connolly is a well-known authority on tarot, numerology and other esoteric sciences. Her tarot series Tarot for the Apprentice, Tarot for the Journeyman and Tarot for the Master are popular staples of the tarot literature.
Eileen Connolly designed this deck based on her vision of the meaning of the cards. Peter, the artist, brought that vision to life using colored pencil over a period of 18 months. The Connolly Tarot has a luminous quality. The card scenes give the impression of being fixed in stained glass. The setting is medieval, and the figures are in period costume. There is little negativity in this deck. The Devil has been changed to Materialism, and Death, to Transition.