Tarot coleccion Antico Tarocco Ligure Piamontese (1979) (1ª Edicion) (Limitado y Numerado 2500) (Ed. Solleone) (IT) 07/16
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Tarot coleccion Antico Tarocco Ligure Piamontese (1979) (1ª Edicion) (Limitado y Numerado 2500) (Ed. Solleone) (IT) 07/16
95,00 €
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Liguria-Piedmont Tarot

A photographic reproduction of the Italian Liguria-Piedmont Tarot originally published in the 19th century.

Faithful reproduction based upon the woodcuts.

This is the 1979 limited edition of 2500 decks

Printed on a strong, sturdy, cream colored paper.

Packaged in a tuck box and a pull-out protective sleeve, with the limited edition number stamped inside.

Like most facsimiles, this deck has square corners, which is faithful to the original.

The deck has a total of 78, cards in mint condition.

Does not include instructions. Standard sized deck, each card measures around 2.3" x 4.3".