Oraculo Wisdom Oracle  (La Muci Design)
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Oraculo Wisdom Oracle (La Muci Design)
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El Oráculo de la Sabiduría, una baraja original de La Muci, consta de 15 cartas con ilustraciones simbólicas abiertas a la interpretación del lector. Te invita a aprovechar verdaderamente tu intuición y escuchar atentamente tu voz interior. Tu sexto sentido te susurrará naturalmente las palabras correctas mientras dejas que tus ojos se desvíen y se sientan atraídos por partes específicas de las ilustraciones, tejiendo asociaciones y canalizando el mensaje superior. Tamaño: 7,5 x 12,5 cm.


The Wisdom Oracle, an original La Muci deck, consists of 15 cards featuring symbolic illustrations open to the reader's interpretation. It invites you to truly tap into your intuition and listen carefully to your inner voice. Your sixth sense will naturally whisper to you the right words as you let your eyes drift and become drawn to specific parts of the illustrations, weaving associations and channeling the higher message.

15 Card Deck + Box
300 gsm Professional Smooth Card Stock
Dimensions: 7,5cm X 12,5cm - x 49.2 in

The cards themselves are not magic… But rather they offer a mechanism for you to tune into the magic and Divine guidance within you.

The Wisdom Oracle Deck can be used in conjunction with a tarot deck or can be used on its own.