Tarot Coleccion Cattitude Tarot (Do As Jeong) (Thip Suda Veranant) (EN) (1000 units)
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Tarot Coleccion Cattitude Tarot (Do As Jeong) (Thip Suda Veranant) (EN) (1000 units)
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Una bonita y adorable baraja de una tematica adorada por todos, los gatos. En esta baraja la autora Do As Jeong nos regala una version del rider protagonizada por unos gatos adorables, los dibujos fueron hechos digitalmente a mano alzada, tiene un estilo de dbujo caricaturesco. Las cartas tienen unas dimensiones de 06.00 x 10.30 cm lo que las hace facil de barajar y transportar.  Usa colores vivos para transmitir esas emociones de alegria, abundancia, tranquilidad.

Tristemente este es un tarot que ha sufrido robo de imagen, siendo el resultado muchas barajas falsas a la venta. Esta baraja fue fabricada por Do As Jeong, haciendo solo 1000 barajas, para evitar la venta ilegal y darle un toque personalizado Do As Jeong firmo y numero todas las barajas con un rotulador dorado. Si la baraja no esta firmada o no tiene el numero, es una baraja  falsificada. 

Tambien la artista apunta que la baraja original tiene una mejor calidad que la copia, un color mate es lo que diferencia a simple vista la original y la falsa, la original tiene un color mate y la falsa tiene un toque brillante.


A beautiful and adorable deck of a theme adored by all, cats. In this deck, the author Do As Jeong gives us a version of the rider starring some adorable cats, the drawings were made digitally freehand, it has a cartoonish drawing style. The cards have dimensions of 06.00 x 10.30 cm which makes them easy to shuffle and transport. It uses bright colors to convey those emotions of joy, abundance, tranquility.

Sadly, this is a tarot that has suffered image theft, resulting in many fake decks for sale. This deck was manufactured by Do As Jeong, making only 1000 decks, to prevent illegal sales and give it a personalized touch Do As Jeong signed and numbered all decks with a gold marker. If the deck is not signed or does not have the number, it is a counterfeit deck.

The artist also points out that the original deck has a better quality than the copy, a matte color is what differentiates the original and the fake at first glance, the original has a matte color and the fake has a shiny touch.