Tarot coleccion Michelangelo (5 Idiomas) (SCA)
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Tarot coleccion Michelangelo (5 Idiomas) (SCA)

Cod.Bar. Alternativos: 8865271248 - 9788865271247 - EX195.
110,00 €
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Stock: BajaA la venta desde 08-06-2012
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Quien no ha oido hablar del Famoso Miguel Angel, o Michelangelo, el famoso escultor, Pintor, arquitecto, poeta e intelectual, maximo representante del arte renacentista.... Guido Zibordi ha intentado plasmar en este tarot, el que hubiera creado el.


TAROT DE MICHELANGELO por Zibordi Marchesi, Guido

ISBN: 9788865271247

Editorial: Lo Scarabeo - 2012
Dimensiones: 7 x 12,5 cm

The immortal art of Michelangelo inspires a Tarot deck. The human figure seen at the peak of its physical power, captured in the middle of movement, in the eternal research for an higher truth able to transcend the human limits and the material world. After the Botticelli and the Klimt Tarot, a new homage from Lo Scarabeo to the Art.