Caro Clarke es una artista con sede en Queens, Nueva York. Estudió historia del arte en la Universidad de California Santa Cruz y grabado en la Art Students League de Nueva York. Caro divide su tiempo entre ser madre, hacer arte y colaborar con su esposo y colega artista Andrew John Leonard.
78 representaciones brillantes y audaces de los arcanos mayores y menores. Inspirado en el simbolismo y las imágenes de la baraja Smith-Waite. Las tarjetas miden 2.75”x4.75” y vienen en una caja impresa con un pequeño folleto guía.
La baraja usa tonos oscuros y no delinea sus dibujos sino que los rellena con color. Una baraja con mucha personalidad y una gran suma a cualquier coleccion. La webde la artista: :
Caro Clarke is an artist based out of Queens, New York. She studied art history at the University of California Santa Cruz and printmaking at the Art Students League of New York. Caro splits her time between being a mom, making art and collaborating with her husband and fellow artist Andrew John Leonard.
The deck uses dark tones and does not outline its drawings but fills them with color. A deck with a lot of personality and a great addition to any collection.
78 bright and bold representations of the major and minor arcana. Inspired by the symbolism and imagery of the Smith-Waite deck. Cards are 2.75”x4.75” and come in a printed box with a small guide booklet. The website for buying this deck and helping the author: